GCC is a non-profit organization seeking to improve the quality of life for all who live, work, and play in Georgetown, Seattle.
Georgetown Neighborhood Center Building Design Program
Developing a strategy for a new, community-owned and operated neighborhood center in Georgetown
The City of Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment (OSE) has partnered with MAKERS architecture and urban design, Environmental Works, and the local Georgetown community to develop a building design program for a new, community-owned and operated neighborhood center in Georgetown. The project is funded by the Green New Deal for Seattle. OSE has convened the Neighborhood Center Visioning Group (NCVG) - a collection of local residents who live and/or work in Georgetown - to help guide the effort. The NCVG includes representatives from the Georgetown Community Council, Equinox Studios, Georgetown Youth Council, and Georgetown Business Association.
OSE co-leads the Duwamish Valley Program (DVP), an interdisciplinary, place-
based effort focused on the neighborhoods of South Park and Georgetown to advance environmental justice and equitable development; address health and racial disparities; build
community capacity; create economic opportunity; and build trust in government. The DVP
produced the 2018 Duwamish Valley Action Plan, which identifies improving the access to and availability of community gathering spaces as a major focus area for Georgetown.
The City does not anticipate operating a community center in Georgetown. As such, this building design program will be the first step to help Georgetown understand the broader context of bringing a neighborhood-owned center to fruition.
Project Update
MAKERS will submit a final building design report to OSE and the Neighborhood Center Visioning Group (NCVG) in October 2024. To-date, MAKERS has held monthly meetings with the NCVG, two community workshops, and has issued one online survey.
How to get involved
Do you live, work, or play in Georgetown? We want to hear from you! Share your feedback on what a community owned and operated neighborhood center could look like.
Reach out to the Neighborhood Center Visioning Group directly for more information and to sign up for updates: georgetownneighborhoodcenter@gmail.com
City staff contact
(206) 684-7768